Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the new exam is the addition of 4 Short Answer Questions (SAQs) graded on a three point scale. Individual questions will consist of a few straightforward tasks each graded in a binary manner; the student will get the point or they won’t. One or two sentences will suffice in answering each task and you can count on at least half of the SAQs having stimulus items. These are not essays; no thesis required.
So how to prepare students for these questions given the absence of so few examples from the College Board? The good news is that all those previous DBQs are loaded with great stimulus items that can be disassembled and repackaged as practice SAQs. (After all, many of the old DBQs might not be sufficient for teaching the new one.) And better yet, those savvy students who go to AP Central to look at essays before we assign them in class will find little there to help them with SAQs.
Here’s an example built from the familiar 2003 DBQ on indentured servitude:
Possible Historical Thinking Skills targeted by this question include Interpretation, Contextualization or Periodization for the first task. The second and third are obviously Comparison and Causation, respectively.
(Here is a printable version of this SAQ)
What other ideas can you come up with to use former DBQs to construct Short Answer Questions?
UPDATE: For those interested in more information about the 2017 redesigned test, the College Board has released a narrated presentation on the Historical Thinking Skills and Rubrics. I highly recommend you check it out in preparing for the changes next year:
Narrated Tutorial on Historical Thinking Skills
Jonathan — when teaching instructors about SAQ, consider including the ACE format: it has really helped my APUSHers this year.
A – answer the question [this is the assertion or claim]
C – cite specific factual evidence
E – explain how the evidence proves the assertion
4-5 sentence max per answer
We practice these through the use of TWEDYAOD? bellringers through which students must respond and develop an argument ACE style. 😀
Thanks for this advice, Barbara. This looks fantastic!
Thanks for posting this resource. We WHAP teachers need all the help we can get to shepherd us through the first year of the exam revise.